Patricia Chez Soi
Patricia chez soi, 2017. Embroidered and printed tapestries. Products of a Loneliness Factory (Einsamkeitsfabrik)
Embroidered and printed tapestries. Products of a Loneliness Factory (Einsamkeitsfabrik), which was a collective performance coordinated by Felisha Maria Bahadur, within the context of Michael Beutler's teaching at Wall 40 for the Muthesius University of Art and Design, in Kiel, from 2016-17.
Patricia Chez Soi: So Lonely
Participants were granted an isolated 8-hour stay in a living space with adjoined workshop. The artist took their mobile phones and ironed her own phone number into a single item of the participants' clothing. Participants – who included Melina Bigale, Nane Boysen, Jakob Braune and Annaliisa Krage – were then given a journal and a list of tasks within the space and in the city. Attempting to concretise a cultural brand of loneliness, some of these tasks were:
begin a Princess Diana puzzle from the brand Ravensburger
take a taxi to go to the oldest nearby Cemetery
have dinner alone at a traditional bayerisch restaurant
hand-embroider golden fleur-de-lys onto a woolen moroccan blanket
note whatever you feel in the shared diary
go to a 6pm Mass at the nearby St Nikolai church
create stencils out of stick-on wallpaper
have a nap
These tapestries and other artworks (not shown) are the result of their efforts and the artist's after-care.
The project is documented in Konkrete Aufgabe: Maximale Freiheit, published by Michael Beutler, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design Kiel / written by Felisha Maria Bahadur, Kim Anni Bassen, Michael Beutler, Melina Bigale, Hannah Bohnen, Nane Boysen, Jakob Braune, Tina Eitner, Felix Ermacora et al. / Kiel, 2017