Felisha Carenage

Drawing Breath

Textiles and works on paper exploring gendered and racialised violence in public and private space. Originally developed as Parade Créole, working …

Textiles and works on paper exploring gendered and racialised violence in public and private space. Originally developed as Parade Créole, working with feminist collectives and spaces. Produced during a period of statelessness during which the artist was prohibited from working, living or travelling outside of the city of Kiel.

Patricia Chez Soi

Patricia chez soi, 2017. Embroidered and printed tapestries. Products of a Loneliness Factory (Einsamkeitsfabrik)

Embroidered and printed tapestries. Products of a Loneliness Factory (Einsamkeitsfabrik), which was a collective performance coordinated by Felisha Maria Bahadur, within the context of Michael Beutler's teaching at Wall 40 for the Muthesius University of Art and Design, in Kiel, from 2016-17.

Patricia Chez Soi: So Lonely
Participants were granted an isolated 8-hour stay in a living space with adjoined workshop. The artist took their mobile phones and ironed her own phone number into a single item of the participants' clothing. Participants – who included Melina Bigale, Nane Boysen, Jakob Braune and Annaliisa Krage – were then given a journal and a list of tasks within the space and in the city. Attempting to concretise a cultural brand of loneliness, some of these tasks were:

  • begin a Princess Diana puzzle from the brand Ravensburger

  • take a taxi to go to the oldest nearby Cemetery

  • have dinner alone at a traditional bayerisch restaurant

  • hand-embroider golden fleur-de-lys onto a woolen moroccan blanket

  • note whatever you feel in the shared diary

  • go to a 6pm Mass at the nearby St Nikolai church

  • create stencils out of stick-on wallpaper

  • have a nap

These tapestries and other artworks (not shown) are the result of their efforts and the artist's after-care.

The project is documented in Konkrete Aufgabe: Maximale Freiheit, published by Michael Beutler, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design Kiel / written by Felisha Maria Bahadur, Kim Anni Bassen, Michael Beutler, Melina Bigale, Hannah Bohnen, Nane Boysen, Jakob Braune, Tina Eitner, Felix Ermacora et al. / Kiel, 2017