HEIMATSCHUTZ: Traces of Empire in Schleswig-Holstein's Harbour Cities (2021–2023),a post-graduate project in cooperation with Flensburg Postcolonial, Kiel Postcolonial and the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts. It consisted of two exhibitions, each in Flensburg and Kiel.
Luisa Ascending is a Passiontide exhibition that is an exploration of Luisa Calderón’s story, tracing suffering, pathos and belonging in a critical geo-feminist context.
In the early 19th century, widespread images of the tortured 14-year-old Luisa Calderón (a free mixed-race person in Trinidad) caused a stir in Britain: they showed the violence, previously hidden to Europeans, that was part of everyday life in colonised places. Calderón’s story – she was tortured by military means to reveal the name of a co-conspirator in a bid to rob and flee her employer – still raises questions today about how this violence is connected to our reality in the here-and-now.
Using tools of visual communication which refer to the most popular illustrations of Calderón’s case as well as other visual phenomena of colonial imagery, the colonial history of Flensburg will be addressed in a program of events. The focus is not only on the economic traces of the colonial era, but also on the work of German Christian missionaries and their connections to colonial rule.
These interventions have been organised in a series of events and sermons by the city’s pastor Johannes Ahrens and pastor Dr Marcus Friedrichs, including a lecture on Missionary Work and Colonialism by Hamburg-based missiologist Dr Anton Knuth (Fri 18 March, 7pm) and a performance of scenes from ‘Travels to former colonies’ by Flensburg’s Pilkentafel Theatre group (Fri 25 March, 7pm).
These paintings were realised within the framework of a postgraduate scholarship ‘Traces of Empire in Schleswig-Holstein's Port Cities’ at the Muthesius University of Fine Art and Design, Kiel. The Artistic Research is kindly supported by the working group Integrative Geographien at the European University, Flensburg.

Sugarworks is an intervention for an exhibition dealing with Danish-German painting traditions.
EN: Architecture, Salonability and the Exotic circa 1773 2023. Hauntologies in the 1773 Exhibition
Sugarworks: Architecture, Salonability and the Exotic around 1773 2023. Hauntologies in the exhibition 1773. Curated by Jens Martin Neumann. An intervention for an exhibition dealing with Danish-German painting traditions. In the paintings, which I have called Hauntologies, I discuss the connections of these traditions with power and the transmission of knowledge in the architecture of German salon culture.
Institutionalised cultural constructs based on the maintenance and protection of forms of inclusion (knowledge, leisure, desire, recreation, etc.) on the basis of exclusion or marginalisation (classism, tokenism, exploitation, prescriptivism, etc.) are thematised.
With workshops on setting tables for tea, chocolate and coffee consumption, following literary references from Wide Sargasso Sea (Jean Rhys), A House For Mr Biswas (V.S. Naipaul), Du côté de chez Swann (Marcel Proust), Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carrol), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Roald Dahl), Beloved (Toni Morrison).
Sugarworks is part of a postgraduate project HEIMATSCHUTZ: Traces of Empire in Schleswig-Holstein's Harbour Cities (2021–2023). The project takes place in cooperation with Flensburg Postcolonial, Kiel Postcolonial and the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts.
DE: Architektur, Salonfähigkeit und das Exotische um 1773 2023. Hauntologies in der Ausstellung 1773
Kuratiert von jens Martin Neumann. Eine Intervention zu einer Ausstellung, die sich mit dänisch-deutschen Maltraditionen beschäftigt. Ich bespiele in den Gemälden, die ich Hauntologies genannt habe, die Zusammenhänge dieser Traditionen mit Macht und Wissensvermittlung in der Architektur der deutschen Salonkultur.
Thematisiert werden institutionalisierte Kulturkonstrukte, die auf die Aufrechterhaltung und den Schutz von Formen der Inklusion (Wissen, Freizeit, Begehren, Erholung usw.) auf der Grundlage von Exklusion oder Ausgrenzung (Klassismus, Tokenismus, Ausbeutung, Präskriptivismus usw.) basieren.
Mit Workshops zum Gedeck von Tee, Schokolade und Kaffee, nach literarischen Referenzen aus Wide Sargasso Sea (Jean Rhys), A House For Mr. Biswas (V.S. Naipaul), Du côté de chez Swann (Proust).
Sugarworks ist ein Teil eines Postgraduiertenprojekts HEIMATSCHUTZ: Koloniale Kontinuitäten in den Hafenstädten Schleswig-Holsteins (2021–2023). Das Projekt findet in Zusammenarbeit mit Flensburg Postkolonial, Kiel Postkolonial und der Muthesius Kunsthochschule statt.
Wer in Deutschland Leben Will
Eine Altstadtspaziergang zu Sugarworks: Architektur, Salonfähigkeit und Exotik um 1773 2023 mit der Künstlerin Felisha Maria Carenage
Die Führung beginnt mit einem Besuch der Ausstellung 1773. Unbehagen - im Sinne von Uncomfortable City Tours – wird im Rahmen von Negative Care Strategien aufgrund historischen und persönlichen Erlebnisse angegangen. Es geht um eine Erweiterung des Dialogs von der Sugarworks-Intervention – Exklusionsmechanismen von Kunst und Kulturinstitutionen bzgl. Sprache, Bildsprache, Einwanderungspolitik, usw.

Luisa Ascending, Nikolaikirche, Flensburg, April-July 2022
Sugarworks: Architecture, Salonability and the Exotic circa 1773 2023, c. Jens Neumann, Stadtmuseum Warleberger Hof, Kiel, June-October, 2023
Regionale VII, c. Sönke Kniphals, Palais für aktuelle Kunsz, Glückstadt, September 2024
sh:Z Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitung Flensburg
sh:z Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitung Glückstadt