Drawing Breath/ Eigenkleider
Garments produced after Anna Muthesius' concept of Eigenkleider, likening Muthesius' ideal form to Frantz Fanon's White Masks.
Research into one of four Eigenkleider, produced for Dr. Ayesha Prout. Coloured pencil drawings on architectural paper, referencing maquettes, blueprints and intimate partner violence.
The drawings are usually mounted on a custom frame from MOKIT, a modular system which guides the research aesthetics of the Drawing Breath* exhibition in its entirety.
Ayesha, 2021 / Architectural Paper, Pencil, Ash Wood, Nylon, Cotton. Dimensions variable.
*formerly called Parade Créole
Shanya / Archive
Archive created to play with gendered themes of autonomy in Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks, using Shanya Greene's label which she had designed for herself. Custom frame by Mokit Tools.
All Photos on this page: Svetlana Grigorieva

The Problem of the Page
Research Aesthetics in the original Parade Créole exhibition. Sketchbooks, reference works and note-taking in a custom display system. All publications displayed with cosmetic gloves for perusal.
The Parade Créole exhibitions and concepts are documented in Drawing Breath, written and edited by myself and designed by Káschem Büro / Visual identity (for stickers, postcards, instagram slides and posters) by Káschem Büro / Display system: custom design by Mokit Tools / All photos in gallery: S. Grigorieva
Drawing Breath – Notes on Parade Créole is the documentation of an experimental dress project. Using the medium of drawing, it maps the emotional aspect of making artworks for and about compromised, precarious bodies.
"Felisha’s work is an essayistic inquiry into the possibilities of self-determination for colonized bodies through experimental clothing. For this, she analyzes the work of four women (including herself) and their constant striving to develop resistant practices in order to escape the invasive colonial gaze. At the same time, this striving repeatedly leads to the reproduction of Eurocentric ideals of both body and beauty – thus creating a field of tension which Felisha Maria works through with critical reference to Frantz Fanon and Anna Muthesius." – Annika Grabold for Cake&Cash
Studio Dem, Brooklyn
The Studio Shop, Trinidad & Tobago
Freiraum, Hamburg
With the support of BBK Neustart Kultur, Modul C, 2021

Funding and support for this exhibition, at Kiel's Pop Up Pavilion in September-October 2021, came from several sources. These include the Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Futur3 Festival, Kunstverein Haus 8, the Bund für Bildende Künstler, and Schleswig Holstein's Ministry for Education and Culture. We have done our best to include all the logos.